The City of Chesterfield, MO (“City”) is soliciting proposals from qualified outdoor aquatic design teams to provide comprehensive design services in a strategic phased approach, including public engagement, cost estimating, and assistance in developing financing alternatives, for a state-of-the-art exterior Aquatic Facility to replace the existing Chesterfield Family Aquatic Center (CFAC). The City seeks a firm with extensive successful experience in designing municipal aquatic facilities and facilitating effective community engagement. The City seeks a high-quality community facility, not a destination waterpark, with an emphasis on operational efficiency, maintenance, and long-term sustainability.
The City will accept submittals through April 10, 2025. The City will then review all submittals and schedule interviews with the most qualified design firms. The City reserves the right to not have interviews if it finds a clear qualified design firm within the proposals.
It is the Proposer's responsibility alone to ensure that the proposal is received prior to the hour and date for the opening of proposals specified in the Notice of Request for Proposals. Any proposals received by the Parks, Recreation & Community Services Department after that hour and date shall be returned unopened.
Proposals will be received digitally, by e-mail delivered to the City Clerk, Vickie McGownd,, on or before 10:00 am on April 10, 2025.
E-mails subject lines MUST read: AQUATIC CENTER DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL and be addressed to
Proposals will not be accepted after the designated time, and no proposals will be accepted by mail, hand delivery, or other alternative method. All questions regarding this RFP shall be directed via e mail to Kari Johnson, via e-mail at: The City reserves the right to distribute questions and answers to all agencies who have requested proposals. The City shall not be responsible for any explanation or interpretation of the Request for Proposals other than by written addendum posted to the City’s website. No oral interpretations of any provision in the Request for Proposals shall be binding upon the City.