Street Trees
Trees and green spaces are a significant component of Chesterfield's urban environment. They provide significant economic, functional, and structural benefits to the community that help improve the quality of life within the City. They soften the hard appearance of man-made structures and streets, moderating harsh urban conditions. Trees and green spaces also help stabilize soils by controlling wind and water erosion, reducing noise levels, cleansing the air of pollutants, and producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Our natural resources contribute significantly to the cultural and heritage values of the city, and responsible management of this important component of city infrastructure is essential.
Chesterfield's public trees are an integral part of the City's infrastructure, no less so than its streets, utilities, buildings, and sidewalks. When properly maintained, trees return overall benefits and value to the community far in excess of the time and money invested in them for planting, pruning, protection, and removal. Unlike other infrastructure components, the tree population, when properly cared for, will actually increase in value as the trees mature over time. Additionally, they provide significant economic benefits by reducing energy costs, increasing real estate values, improving settings in which to conduct business activities, and enhancing aesthetic appeal.