Do you need a license?

The City of Chesterfield requires all commercial businesses/persons physically located and operating out of a tenant space within the Chesterfield city limits, engaging in any business, trade or avocation, to obtain a City Business license from the Department of Finance.  If you are a home-based business, please contact or 636-537-4714 to verify current requirements.

As of May 14, 2024, the City of Chesterfield utilizes an online portal for all business licenses referenced below.  

The City (upon approval) issues the following types of licenses:

  • Alarm License
    • If a person or business engages, or attempts to engage, in the business of selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving or installing alarm systems within the City of Chesterfield, they must obtain an Alarm License.
    • Annual Alarm Licenses cover the period January 1st through December 31st of each year.
    • Renewals are due by January 1st.  It is the responsibility of each licensee to renew their license by the expiration date.
    • Annual fee for an Alarm License is $50.00
  • Business License
    • Every business planning to operate from a permanent commercial location in the City of Chesterfield is required to obatin a business license from the City.  The annual fee for a Business License is based on square footage and type of business:
      • Fee Per Square Foot
        • Retail - $0.08
        • Service/Office - $0.04
        • Manufacturing/Warehouse - $0.02
    • Depending on when you apply for your initial annual license, your initial fee may be pro-rated.
    • Minimum fee is $25; Maximum fee is $10,000
    • Annual City of Chesterfield Business Licenses expire on June 30th of each year.
    • Renewals are due by July 1st.  It is the responsibility of each licensee to renew their license by the expiration date.
  • Liquor License
    • In order for any person to sell, or expose for sale, in any quantity, in the City of Chesterfield, intoxicating liquor, as defined by City Ordinances, you must first obtain a Liquor License from the City.
    • Annual Liquor Licenses cover the period July 1st through June 30th of each year.
    • Renewals must be completed no later than June 15th to ensure timely processing and issuance by the expiration date of June 30th.  It is the responsibility of each licensee to renew their license by the expiration date.
    • Fees vary depending on which category/categories of liquor sales are requested and approved.  Depending on when you apply for your initial annual liquor license, your initial fee may be pro-rated.
    • A Temporary Caterers Permit (liquor license) may be obtained for one, two or three-day events in lieu of an annual license.  The fee for a Temporary Liquor License is $15.00
  • Tobacco License
    • Every wholesale dealer, retail dealer, manufacturer or other person engaged in selling cigarettes or offering, delivering or displaying cigarettes for sale within the City is required to obtain an annual permit for such selling and distribution of cigarettes.  One permit covers all employees of a store or business that employs others to sell products.
    • Annual Tobacco Licenses cover the period July 1st through June 30th.  Renewals are due by July 1st.  It is the responsibility of each licensee to renew their license by the expiration date.
    • This license fee is $150.00
  • Trash Hauling License
    • No person shall engage in the business of hauling or transporting waste, sewage, sludge, human excrement or any other waste of any kind whatsoever, by means of a vehicle, or any mobile waste container transported on any public highway, road, or street in Chesterfield without obtaining a waste transportation license from St. Louis County, Department of Community Health and Medical Care for each such vehicle, or mobile waste container.
    • All such persons shall also obtain a Trash Haulers License from the City of Chesterfield upon approval of the City Council, pursuant to the Code of the City of Chesterfield.
    • Annual Trash Haulers Licenses cover the period July 1st through June 30th.  Renewals are due by July 1st.  It is the responsibility of each licensee to renew their license by the expiration date.
  • Vending Machine License
    • In order to exhibit, or make available for use, any automatic vending machine, defined by ordinance as an amusement, beverage, cigarette, food or any similar machine, in any location within the city limits of Chesterfield, you must possess and prominently display a permit specifically issued to that location and vending machine.
    • Annual Vending License permits cover the period July 1st through June 30th.  Renewals are due by July 1st.  It is the responsibility of each licensee to renew their license by the expiration date.
    • The fee per vending machine is $25.00 (or $12.50 if initially licensed after December 31st).

If your Chesterfield Business is relocating within Chesterfield, please contact or 636-537-4714.

Businesses located in the City of Chesterfield must complete the Business Emergency Notification Information form annually.  The form can be downloaded here.

Solicitor Licenses are issued by the City Clerk's office and are not part of the online portal application process.