Puellman Family

Edited by Ann Chrissos

Edward W. Puellmann (1860-1946) and his wife Bertha (1876-1945) came to Chesterfield from Black Jack, Missouri.   Edward taught at Lake School on Olive Street Road and Chesterfield School on Wild Horse Creek Road.  He and Bertha had three sons:  Roland F. (1898-1953); Edward E. (1900-1968); and Lucian.  Lucian married Wilhelmina Hagemann in 1935.  They built a house on Olive Street Road where they lived for the next 52 years and raised their three daughters:  Carol, Joan, and Ruth.  Lucian operated a service station until 1945.  In 1946, he started a nursery business.   Wilhelmina worked beside Lucien in the nursery business doing whatever was needed including sales, delivery, bookkeeping, and scheduling.  She was also a good cook and canned many quarts of food which they had raised.  They sold the excess at a produce stand.  They sold their home and nursery in October 1987 and moved to Manchester, Missouri.

Edward W., his wife Bertha and their sons Roland and Edward are buried at the St. John’s United Church of Christ Cemetery.


Bellefontaine Volunteer Fire Department, 19 November 1949. L-R Lucian Puellmann, Bud Hoch, Forestell Stemme, Rolla Barr, Nelson Rinkel, Richard Barr and Ace Rickard.  Courtesy of Mrs. Wilhelmina Puellmann.


Lake School, 19 November 1919 .  Mr. Edward W. Puellmann in a bowtie was the teacher in the back and center of the picture.  Courtesy of Wilhelmina Puellmann.


Mertz, Marcella Stranz.  Chesterfield, Missouri:  Cemeteries, 2000.

Wilhelmina Puellmann was interviewed by Arland Stemme on 31 December 1991.