Wild Horses

"Wild Horses" is created by sculptor Fredrick Prescott and includes Red Wild Horse (9'6" x 4' x 10'8"), Wild Blue Horse (7' x 4' x 10'), and Wild Yellow Colt (6'6" x 2'6" x 5').  

"Wild Horses" are privately owned and located in the Chesterfield Valley at the corner of RHL Drive and Edison Avenue.

About Fredrick Prescott: 
"Life and art join to reveal a dynamic partnership in the work of Fredrick Prescott. The joy and animation seen in Prescott’s sculptures simultaneously evoke the natural world and it’s imaginary counterpart. As graphically bold and colorful as his pieces are, they always look perfectly at ease in a natural setting, though there is no denying their otherworldly quality. The dichotomy between the real and the imaginary in Prescott’s artwork lead to the creation of a captivating, multi-dimensional art form. Using the visual and emotional impact of brilliant color on moving steel, the artist produces sculptures reflecting his singularly fantastic perception of the world around him. His work is seen as a blend of folk art, pop art, and technically advanced construction. Fredrick Prescott’s childhood experiences foreshadow his innovative artistic style that centers on kinetic scenarios and landscapes. Born in Palo Alto in 1949, the oldest son of the chief inventor and owner of the Universal Coin Meter Company, Prescott began working with metal at the age of six. In a playground of band saws, punch presses and metal grinders, he spent countless hours honing the skills he uses to transform metal into art by cutting, bending, and welding. By age twelve, Prescott was enrolled in a watercolor painting class where he immediately developed a passion for color. By both sculpting and painting his artwork, he began his career fascination for bold and colorful metal sculpture. Everything surrounding him in the world serves as a constant inspiration to Fredrick Prescott. The vibrant colors that find their way into his sculptures are drawn from the distinctively electric palette of the contemporary world. The artist’s pieces reflect his experiences, as he transforms them into the half-real, half-fantastic images that are a tangible example of the joy and humor he finds in all that he perceives. Whether depicting businessmen on Wall Street, surfers with their boards, outer space, pink Cadillacs and vintage automobiles, or the world of animals and nature, all vignettes are created from the joyful perspective of the artist. Those who find joy in Prescott’s work come from every walk of life. A vast audience, including sophisticated art collectors, museums and corporations, make Fredrick Prescott’s sculpture a part of their lives. Prescott attributes his appeal to the “primitive need people have to laugh and have fun. Many people do not experience these emotions in their daily existence.” Fredrick Prescott’s artwork is a reminder to everyone that daily life in itself is full of an infinite amount of movement and color, and is the first place one might look for inspiration and enjoyment. Always striving to catch up to the hundreds of ideas constantly whirling inside his head, Prescott is a frenzy of activity that encompasses every stage of his creative process. His life runs at the fevered pace of an artist who is constantly recreating himself. His artistic resources and boundless creative energy are stimulated by all that he hears, sees, touches, and learns. The breadth and ambition of his ideas promise to bring a constant audience for all of his future creations."