
Bird | Eberwein Park
"Bird" is a sculpture created by Donald Horstman that represents birds in flight. "Bird" stands 95" x 26" x 21" and is made from stainless steel. 

Sculptor Bio:

Donald Horstman: B.F.A. Washington University, M.A.T. Webster University

As a sculptor and painter I offer a representation of texture, light, mass and translucent space in the minimalist tradition. My art is sometimes created from industrial scrap which brings new life to the castoff of industry; and often fabricated from stainless steel which brings rich new forms to life. My painting presents the viewer with new forms abstracted from my subconscious realization of form and space. The end result of each medium is a deeper understanding of the natural relationships that occur in each persons private sensibilities, not unlike the stimulation of a symphony.