What is Sustainability?
The term "sustainability" has become a trendy buzz word in many municipal applications. Unfortunately, it is poorly understood and often erroneously associated with traditional environmental activities such as recycling, conservation or reduction in energy consumption. Sustainability is a much larger, broader concept that deals with the inter-relationships of multiple disciplines.
Sustainability means meeting the needs of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet the needs of tomorrow. The Department of Planning and Public Works understands that we have an opportunity to take a leadership role in planning for the future by creating and developing programs and performance standards which balance objectives for a healthy environment, quality of life and economic vitality. Sustainable development is encouraged for private development projects and the City of Chesterfield demonstrates it through the public infrastructure and community improvements provided to the community.
Sustainability is an acknowledgement that all aspects of a community, from its infrastructure, public improvements, developments, and park facilities are inter-related and by working together, we can achieve a sustainable environment where the needs of today are met without compromising the ability for future generations to meet the needs of tomorrow.