Street Tree Maintenance

The Department of Public Works is responsible for maintaining the trees in public right of way, typically the area between the sidewalk and the street. This includes pruning for clearance over the sidewalk and the street, and removing trees that are dead, diseased, dying, or that create a potential hazard.

Street trees are regularly trimmed on a five year schedule, with most activity taking place in the winter. 

Street trees are removed on an as needed basis throughout the year.  If you would like to request an inspection of the street tree in front of  your home, call City Hall at 636-537-4000.  Keep in mind that the City only removes trees that are dead, diseased, dying, or potentially hazardous.
Sweetgum Removal

Although not an approved species for new street trees within the City of Chesterfield, there exists a substantial number of Sweetgum trees on City Right of Way.  Due to problems related to the prickly fruit which are unique to this tree species, some residents desire their removal. The City will consider the removal of an otherwise healthy Sweetgum tree located within the City Right of Way, provided the resident agrees to replace the tree through the City's Residential Street Tree Planting Program. The City takes pride in its tree-lined streets and is desirous of maintaining the character of neighborhoods.  When considering a healthy Sweetgum tree for removal, other tree removals in the immediate vicinity will be taken into consideration before the removal of a Sweetgum tree is approved.  


The City initiated the Residential Street Tree Program to encourage the planting of trees on our city streets. Trees offer numerous benefits to the community, including increasing aesthetic appeal, stabilizing soil, reducing energy costs through providing shade, reducing noise levels, cleansing the air of pollutants, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, and increasing real estate values and a sense of community.

The goal of the Residential Street Tree Program is to increase diversity in the City's urban forest. Currently, nearly 65% of the street tree population is made up of only four species: Green Ash, Pin Oak, Red Maple, and American Sweetgum. The overpopulation of these species is beginning to manifest itself with general decline and infestation in many of these trees. Generally, in urban forest management, it is recommended that no single species should account for more than 5% of the total population. The City has taken proactive measures to reduce the numbers of these species by removing the four species listed above from the Approved Street Tree List. The Residential Street Tree Program was initiated in order to encourage the planting of alternate tree species. When choosing a street tree, look around your neighborhood and choose a species that is not overplanted in your area.

Details on the Residential Street Tree Planting Program can be found at