Spring 2020

Spring 2020 Edition

Happy Spring; As with the spring season, there are many new and different things that are of interest and have an effect on the how our city is able to provide services as well as our surroundings in general. 

For those of you who have not heard, on Christmas Eve the Missouri Supreme Court handed down a decision regarding City of Chesterfield versus State of Missouri that challenged the constitutionality of State Statute 66.600 and 66.620 (otherwise known as the “pool tax”). Unfortunately, the lower court decision was upheld, which brings an end to our legal challenge. Although we are disappointed, we must accept the ruling, as there is no avenue for further appeal. 

As an early reminder that the U. S. decennial census will be taking place this year; I ask that you please respond thoroughly and promptly to any questionnaires you may receive, as a significant amount of the revenues we receive are based on our population. It is only fair that we receive revenues based on a full and accurate count of our residents and inhabitants.

Ongoing in the Missouri Legislature are several pieces of legislation that could be very impactful or threatening to the revenues we depend upon to pay for the services our city provides. Among these are Senate Bills 526 and 529. SB 526 relates to the dramatic reduction of cable utility franchise fees that local government has historically and customarily received as a part of their annual revenues. Obviously, we are adamantly opposed to this bill, as it could reduce our revenues from this source by as much as 80% or more. Please consider asking our State Senators and State Representatives to oppose this legislation.

An even more important piece of enabling legislation is SB 529, relating to the authorization of a use (or internet sales) tax for local governments. We are emphatically supportive of this legislation because as the amount of internet sales have increased, the amount of revenue generated from sales taxes has significantly decreased. This places a strain on local government because the services still need to be provided in spite of decreased revenues received. Additionally, this seems to be a fairness issue between traditional brick and mortar stores and the internet vendors. If enabling legislation is passed in the Missouri Legislature, ballot language would be put to our local voters for approval/disapproval of both the applicable county wide taxes, as well as the municipal taxes. Personally, I would not view this as an additional or new tax, but a necessary mechanism for local governments to receive what was originally intended when the underlying applicable tax was imposed/approved. I urge you to communicate your support of this issue to our legislators. 

On a pleasant note, at this writing, The Staenberg Group (TSG) is planning to complete the acquisition of the remainder of Chesterfield Mall (exclusive of Macy’s and Dillard’s). We would anticipate a conceptual plan for a mixed use redevelopment to come forward later this year. 

No complete details as of yet, but we understand that Pearl Companies has purchased the approximately 77 acres surrounding lake #3 (north of YMCA) bordered by Chesterfield Parkway West, Burkhardt Place, and Wild Horse Creek Road. Ultimately, we anticipate a multi-use development to occur at this location with site infrastructure to begin in the fall of 2020.

BOARD of ELECTORS (Freeholders) 
As of this writing, the City of St. Louis has yet to approve their slate of appointees, so it seems in question as to whether anything will come of this constitutionally provided process.

Looking forward to a great year in the City of Chesterfield; I hope to see you out and about!


Mayor Bob Nation