Fall 2023

Greetings, Chesterfield Residents!  

I hope everyone enjoyed their summer season and travels as life is returning to a more normal, post-Covid way of life! 
As summer comes to an end and we move into fall, the City is bustling with development! Recent project announcements span across the entire City of Chesterfield, with a Tesla supercharging facility—featuring 12 electric vehicle charging stations—coming to The District in Chesterfield Valley, and CarShield, F.C., a new soccer facility, right off Eatherton Road—which will feature three outdoor athletic fields, an indoor training facility, concessions and parking for players, spectators and community members.
“Downtown Chesterfield”- Why Density Matters 
We are extremely fortunate to have many developments moving into Chesterfield that directly benefit our community. We are even more fortunate that the exciting prospect of creating a dynamic “Downtown Chesterfield” on the previous Chesterfield Mall site will bring entertainment and activity to the City without infringing or intruding on our existing cherished residential areas. 
I would like to take this opportunity to respond to feedback I have received regarding this exciting current development—specifically, the City’s vision for “Downtown Chesterfield.” Some community members are not supportive of the inclusion of apartments and non-owner-occupied residential housing in the current proposals; so, I would like to offer the following explanation as to why these housing types are not only compatible, but necessary to the successful development of the Urban Core portion of our City. 
First, it’s important to acknowledge that the City’s Comprehensive Plan was developed with significant input from the public before being adopted by the Planning Commission in 2020. This plan specifies that the highest density of residential development will intentionally occur in the “Downtown Chesterfield” area. In order for a mixed-use development to be vibrant and economically feasible, there must be a critical mass density of residents who will frequent the restaurants and retail establishments—generating necessary revenue that allows businesses to thrive and pay for the City services that all residents receive. We desire a vibrant Urban Core that will draw additional clientele from the surrounding area, but retailers cannot justify opening new stores in “Downtown Chesterfield” without that critical mass of residents providing a large, consistent customer base in the immediate vicinity. 
Chesterfield is predominantly dependent on sales tax to fund the services we provide to residents—the Police Department, Public Works, Planning and Zoning—and consumers purchasing food, clothing and other available retail goods generate these necessary sales tax revenues. Remember, we have no property tax that comes from the City of Chesterfield, and we must share a portion of those sales tax revenues with St. Louis County and other pool cities! 
As a City, we also need high-density development in our Urban Core because the estimates and projections from the TIF consultants are predicated on a specific density that will generate sufficient incremental tax revenue to pay for necessary infrastructure projects within and outside of the redevelopment area. Keep in mind that current rental rates are arguably steep, and in many cases, monthly rent is higher than what most homeowners are paying for their mortgages. It is only in recent years that new apartment complexes have been constructed in the City to meet the growing demand. Reducing high-density residential development would take the legs out from under the TIF, as well as make it impossible to develop a successful “Downtown Chesterfield.”  

A Sense of Community 
One of our primary commitments as a City is to prioritize the well-being of our residents. While tense at times, the lively community engagement and public discourse surrounding the “Downtown Chesterfield” development is not only encouraged, but necessary to the ultimate success of the project. By embracing our history of taking head-on the challenges that our City has faced in the past while forging ahead with an innovative approach to new ones, our community can transform the previous Chesterfield Mall site into a vibrant hub that fosters a strong sense of community where families can grow, businesses can thrive and we can all enjoy a higher quality of life. 
As always, I hope to see you out and about!

Bob Nation