Speed Bumps
Why Shouldn't We Have Speed Bumps to Slow Down Speeders? The control of speeding in residential neighborhoods, while maintaining acceptably safe street and roadway conditions, is a wide-spread concern which requires persistent law enforcement effort. The inability of posted speed limit signs to curb the intentional violator, leads to frequent demands for installation of "speed bumps" in public streets and alleys. However, actual tests of various experimental designs have demonstrated the physical inability of speed bumps to control all types of light-weight and heavy-weight vehicles successfully. In fact, a softsprung sedan is encouraged to increase speed for a better ride, while some vehicles may lose control. Many courts have held public agencies liable for personal injuries resulting from faulty designs. Increased hazard to the unwary; challenges to the dare-devils; disruption of the movement of both emergency and service vehicles; and undesirable increase in noise, have caused speed bumps to be officially rejected as a standard traffic control device on public streets and alleys. |