
Residents may only receive the discounted rates on programs, rentals, pool passes (new and renewals) and daily admissions if an official valid Missouri driver’s license or state ID card, with valid Chesterfield address is presented at the time of the transaction. 2024 pool season passes, programs, and rentals are available for purchase at City Hall. Call 636.537.4000 for more information.

All registrations are taken on a first-come, first-served basis. See specific program descriptions for registration details and class minimums and maximums. Registrations can also be made in person by visiting City Hall, located at 690 Chesterfield Parkway West during business hours.  

The registration process for each program is different. Please visit the event or recreation page for a direct link to registration. Online registration is available for most programs and to renew season pool passes.  Phone registrations are accepted for FREE programs only.  Call 636.812.9500 to register for free programs.

Twenty-five percent (25%) of the registration fee will be charged to cover administrative and processing costs. The City will process all refunds  according to the bill-paying schedule.  There will be no cash refunds.  No refunds will be made except:
  • When a class/program/special event is canceled or closed by the Parks, Recreation & Arts Department due to low enrollment or other circumstances. In this case, the City will provide a 100% refund.
  • When the refund is requested at least fourteen (14) days in advance of the class/program/special event, provided it does not reduce the proper participation level below the required minimum.
  • When participants become ill (you must present a doctor’s statement) and notify the Parks, Recreation & Arts Department. However, you will be assessed the 25% administration fee and the remaining fee will be prorated as long as your cancellation does not reduce the participation level below the required minimum.
The City of Chesterfield Parks, Recreation & Arts Department prides itself on providing a wide variety of recreational services to its citizens. The Department recognizes its responsibility to provide recreational opportunities that contribute toward the quality of life in Chesterfield. Realizing that tax dollars alone should not subsidize programs and facilities, fees and charges have been established to help offset existing costs.  The prime objective of these guidelines is to develop a policy to efficiently direct our Department toward a more consistent and effective method of establishing fees and charges while, at the same time, maintaining a high degree of equity for Chesterfield citizens.