Bicycle Safety

Bicycling is not only a mode of transportation for many; it can also be a fun and healthy form of exercise for you and your children. Before you set out for your next bicycling adventure, be sure to review these safety tips with your children to ensure that your trip is not cut short due to injury.

  • Always wear a properly fitting bicycle helmet. Each year, nearly 70,000 bicyclists suffer serious head injuries. Many of those injuries can be prevented through the use of a bicycle helmet.
  • Obey all traffic laws. In the state of Missouri, bicyclists are required to obey the same traffic laws as the rest of the motoring public. This includes stopping at stop signs and obeying electric signals.
  • Ride your bicycle near the right side edge of the roadway.
  • Never carry another person on your bicycle unless the bicycle is made specifically for that purpose.
  • Always use hand signals when turning or stopping.
  • Keep your bicycle in good condition. Check the ABC's of the bicycle (Air in the tires/condition of the Brakes/condition and free movement of the bicycle Chain) prior to starting your bicycle ride. Also make sure that your bicycle is equipped with adequate reflectors/reflective material.
  • Do not wear loose fitting pants or clothing that could get caught in the bicycle chain while riding.
  • Wear brightly colored clothing that can be seen easily by other motorists.
  • Do not ride your bicycle after dark unless it is equipped with headlights and tail lights.

If you have further questions about bicycle safety, please contact one of the officers in the Community Affairs Unit at 636-537-3000 or by email at