Aquatic Center Rules & Regulations

RULES & REGULATIONS (click here for printable version)
Must show valid driver’s license with Chesterfield Address to receive resident rate.
Proper swim attire must be worn at all times Please see diagrams at the front desk if you have any questions. Click here for examples.
Appropriate swim skills must be demonstrated before using the diving boards or swimming in deep water.
Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult 18 years of age or older.
No tobacco products are allowed inside the facility. This includes cigarettes, cigars, vaping with e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Those wishing to use tobacco products will have their hand stamped and must then pass outside the pool gates and right towards the grassy area along Lydia Hill Drive.
No running, rough play, rough housing, on shoulders, serious public displays of affection, or obscene language is allowed inside the facility.
Food purchases from concession stand must be kept in the concession area. No food, glass containers or coolers may be brought into the pool or concession area. Clear plastic water bottles are allowed.
Any person suspected of being under the influence of a controlled substance will be asked to leave.
Hanging on lane lines and/or ropes is not allowed.
Swimmers with infectious conditions, contagious diseases or open wounds will not be allowed admission.
In the event of threatening weather or cool temperatures (below 72 air degrees) the pool will be closed for 30 minutes. Please weather and attendance policy for more information.
Paging of patrons is not allowed.
The City of Chesterfield is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Manufacturer suggested guidelines and rules will be enforced for all equipment. (Suggested height, weight, age limits, user capacity, etc.)
A ratio of 1 swimming adult for every 5 children must be met with all groups from ages 2-4. Swimming adult must be in arms reach of all children. Otherwise a ratio of 1 swimming adult for every 8 children must be met.
Certified lifeguards will be on duty at all times to ensure the safety of patrons. Patrons must listen to the guards. Individuals who do not comply with the rules will be asked to leave.
Chewing gum is not allowed in the aquatic center.
Only small soft toys will be allowed when bather load allows. No frisbees, rafts, torpedoes, large balls, etc. are allowed in the pool area. All floatation devices must be Coast Guard approved and labeled in such manner. Anyone wearing a lifejacket must be within arms reach of swimming care giver and will be restricted to the shallow water area of the competitive pool and Leisure pool.
No chairs in the water.
Disposable diapers are not allowed; however, Little Swimmers and/or water diapers are highly recommended. Diapers should be changed only in the locker rooms or the family change room. Little Swimmers are sold at the front desk.
Only personal radios utilizing head phones will be allowed in the facility. We have an overhead sound system that plays different radio stations per day.
No prolonged breath holding games – any prolonged and/or repeated breath holding activities are prohibited.
Management exercises the right to act on circumstances proven not to be in the best interest of the public.
Only one person is allowed on the board at a time. Persons in line must wait until the previous diver has safely reached the pool ladder before climbing the diving board ladder. Divers must exit the diving well at the nearest ladder after diving.
Safe diving must be practiced. No running, cartwheels, handstands, inward dives or multiple bounces on the diving board. Diver must dive straight out from the board.
Diver must demonstrate swimming ability.
No inflatable devices or assistance is allowed.
No goggles can be worn or held allowed while diving.
Only divers are allowed in the Diving well – (Ex. Parents will not be allowed to catch their children going off the diving board).
At the direction of the Pool Management staff Diving Boards can be closed at any time without notice.
Must follow all directions of the Lifeguarding staff
Only one person is allowed on a slide at a time.
Sliders must go down the slide in a sitting position or on back, feet first.
Sliders must exit the pool at the nearest ladder and/or stairs after sliding.
Sliders may not be caught in the catch pool (the area below the slide).
Goggles, fins, watches, zippers, buckles, tubes, life jackets, or floatation devices may not be worn while using the slide.
Before a slider may go down the slide he/she must wait until the lifeguard signals that it is safe to do so.
Only children under 48" tall may use the water playground.
Keep all body parts inside the waterslide at all times.
Do not attempt to stop, slow down, or spin while on water slide.
Eyeglasses are permitted with safety strap.
No diving or jumping from waterslide.
No water shoes or foot wear on slide.
Slide riders must be OVER 48” tall.
Must follow all directions of Lifeguarding Staff.
Must floating in a tube at all times.
One Tube per person for single tube.
Double tube max 2 persons.
There will be no entering and exiting except for the dedicated entrance and exit stairwell. No switching tubes in the middle of the Lazy River.
No Standing – must continually keep moving.
Must go with the flow of the Lazy River.
No sitting on the edge of tubes.
No diving anywhere in the River.
Must follow all directions of the Lifeguarding Staff.
Violation of any of these rules may result in the patron being asked to leave. These rules are not all inclusive and may change at the manager’s discretion. It is the responsibility of the patron to read and obey all posted rules to ensure safety
Thank you, Management.