March 12, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting Results

ROLL CALL:  Commissioners Lueking and Rosenauer were absent.


P.Z. 01-2018 CLARKSON SQUARE (1709 CLARKSON RD) ORDINANCE AMENDMENT: A request to amend Ordinance 2169 to amend the development conditions to remove the restriction on the number of restaurants in a “C-8” Planned Commercial District, for a 34.8 acre tract of land located north of Baxter Road and on the west side of Clarkson Road.


P.Z. 07-2017 CHESTERFIELD VALLEY MOTOR SPORTS (17501 N OUTER 40 RD):  A request for an amendment to an existing “C8” Planned Commercial District for a 3.0 acre tract of land located north of North Outer 40 Rd west of its intersection with Boone’s Crossing (17U510051).

Motion was made to approve P.Z. 07-2017 Chesterfield Valley Motor Sports (17501 N Outer 40 Rd) allowing (1) outdoor display of unlimited vehicles along the paved strip wrapped around the building with the condition that all four wheels of displayed vehicles must be placed on the paved area, and (2) allowing outdoor storage of vehicles behind the building within a sight-proof fenced area on the east side of the site.

Motion to amend the motion to allow outdoor display of up to two vehicles in the triangular area west of the building and east of the concrete drive passed by a vote of 5 to 2.

Vote to approve P.Z. 07-2017 Chesterfield Valley Motor Sports (17501 N Outer 40 Rd), as amended, passed 5 to 2.

P.Z. 20-2017 CITY OF CHESTERFIELD (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE-ARTICLES 4 AND 10): An ordinance amending Articles 4 and 10 of the Unified Development Code to revise regulations pertaining to architectural specialty lighting and various definitions.

Motion to approve passed by a vote of 7 to 0.

: A request to amend Ordinance 2169 to amend the development conditions to remove the restriction on the number of restaurants in a “C-8” Planned Commercial District, for a 34.8 acre tract of land located north of Baxter Road and on the west side of Clarkson Road.

Motion to approve passed by a vote of 7 to 0.

ADJOURNMENT:   8:24 p.m.