P.Z. 03-2014 The Summit at Chesterfield (Chesterfield Management Association)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Chesterfield will hold a Public Hearing on February 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Chesterfield City Hall, 690 Chesterfield Parkway West, Chesterfield, Missouri 63017.
Said Hearing will be as follows:
P.Z. 03-2014 The Summit at Chesterfield (Chesterfield Management Association): A request for a zoning map amendment from a “R-3” Residence District (with a PEU) to a “PUD” Planned Unit Development for 29.385 acres located on the north side of Olive Boulevard east of its intersection with Hog Hollow Road (16R340151 and16R340207).
For a larger image of the site, please click HERE.
For a list of the requested uses, contact the project planner.
Anyone interested in the proceedings will be given an opportunity to be heard. Copies of the request are available for review in the Department of Public Services at Chesterfield City Hall, 690 Chesterfield Parkway West during weekdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you should need additional information about this project, please contact Ms. Jessica Henry, Project Planner, by telephone at 636-537-4741 or by email at jhenry@chesterfield.mo.us
Mike Watson, Chair
Chesterfield Planning Commission
Description of Property
A tract of land in Lot 11 of D.J. Talbot Subdivision in U.S. Survey 2030, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat book 7 page 43 of the St. Louis City (former County) Records and partly in U.S. Survey 206 Township 46 North Range 4 East in St. Louis County, Missouri, more particularly described as:
BEGINNING at a point in the center line of Hog Hollow Road, 40 feet wide, at its intersection with the South line of U.S. Survey 2030; thence along the center line of said road, North 45 degrees 03 minutes 31 seconds West, 86.69 feet; North 74 degrees 44 minutes 26 seconds West, 142.55 feet; North 47 degrees 14 minutes 26 seconds West, 211.20 feet and North 28 degrees 14 minutes 26 seconds West, 353.81 feet; thence leaving said road line and running North 59 degrees 31 minutes 48 seconds East, 1249.07 feet to the western line of Eagle Ridge, a subdivision according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 344, Page 175 of the St. Louis County Records; thence along said western line, South 25 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East, 1460.07 feet to the northern right-of-way line of Olive Boulevard, variable width; thence along said right-of-way line, South 61 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds West, 294.51 feet to the southeastern corner of a tract of land as conveyed to Harvey A. and Sandra S. Keymer by instrument recorded in Book 7834, page 2322 of above said records; thence along the eastern line of said Keymer tract, North 28 degrees 33 minutes 00 seconds West, 173.94 feet to the southeastern tract of land as awarded to Harvey A. and Sandra S. Keymer under Cause No. 09SL-CC023205 filed in the Circuit Court of St. Louis County; thence along the eastern and northern lines of said cause the following courses and distances: North 75 degrees 52 minutes 59 seconds East, 3.20 feet; North 14 degrees 07 minutes 01 seconds West, 10.86 feet; North 30 degrees 56 minutes 43 seconds West, 17.06 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 46.59 feet; along said curve with an arc length of 57.24 feet and a chord which bears North 83 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds West, 53.71 feet and South 61 degrees 11 minutes 37 seconds West, 37.17 feet to the south line of above said U.S. Survey 2030; thence along said south line, North 82 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds West, 760.09 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1,280,048 square feet or 29.385 acres more or less according to calculations performed by Stock and Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc. on October 30, 2013.