Location: Council Chambers
Wed, September 13, 6:00pm - 7:30pm
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Biennial Subdivision Trustee Symposium to be held Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Calling all subdivision trustees!  The City is hosting its biennial symposium for subdivision trustees to help you better serve your neighborhood.  We will arm you with information you can use to help during your term as a trustee.  City Department Heads will present information on services you may not be aware of that are provided by all areas of the operation and a manual will be provided as well.  Some of the topic areas include:

  • Police - Vacation checks for homeowners, speakers on a variety of topics such as home safety and identity theft at your subdivision meetings, soliciting, deer hunting, Neighborhood Watch programs and code enforcement.
  • Public Works - sewer lateral program, street tree program, sidewalk and street repair/replacement and snow removal programs.
  • Planning & Development Services - the permit process for decks or home remodeling/additions, planner of the day and how to look up development projects.
  • Parks - Programs available including older adult programs, how to search for events and activities and amenities of our parks.
The City's website contains a great deal of information that can sometimes be challenging to navigate.  We will show you the basics and how to easily find the most searched for information.

This information-packed event will be held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 6-7:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Council Chambers.  No registration required.